CX Trends 2022
Designing an interactive report experience that helps Zendesk customers turn great customer service into bottom line growth.
Role: Creative Lead
In-House: Zendesk
Awards: The project was a double honoree at the Webby Awards
CX Trends is Zendesk’s annual trend and thought leadership report – and one of the company’s biggest marketing drivers throughout the year.

With the strategy for the 2022 campaign experience, I wanted to make the interactive report the hero engagement – one single destination that matched the longform content in a PDF download, and that could be updated through the year with new chapters and additional content.

The art direction plays on a puzzle piece concept, featuring eight different shapes/colour combinations that each match up to a chapter within the report.

The extruded style is replicated across 3D pictograms to illustrate the different themes and ideas within the report.

The approach for CX Trends 2022 leans heavily into modularity, paying as much attention to the experience on the back end for content editors, as visitors engaging on the live site. We developed a system of 12 different content blocks, with which we’d be able to create every section and different type of content within the interactive experience.

The art direction flexes through the report, with different shapes coming together in different compositions in the hero, and a different colour set for each chapter.

Arriving via gated form on the campaign landing page, we were able to personalise data visualisation, charts and other content to visitors’ region, business size and industry.

For visitors who want to keep a PDF for future reference, they are able to personalise their download with different one-pagers across region, business size and industry, packaged into a single file.
Creative Direction: Erin Pinkley, Larissa Vaz
Creative Lead: Sam Bathe
Campaign Messaging & Copy: Corey Gedrose
Report Copywriting: Maggie Mazzetti
Producer: Phillip Kanaris
Brand Identity Lead, Landing Page & Promo Assets: Kimberly Mar
Digital Design: Margarida Chincho
Motion Graphics: Marja Siu & Rob Hiroshima
Data Visualisation: Cristina Mendoza
PDF Design: Adam Menton & Paige Carrington
Site Build: One Darnley Road
Promo Video: Even/Odd
Animation: Lauren Konig
Sound Engineer: Daniel Peterson
Sam Bathe, Creative Director & Interactive Designer