Audi Magazine iPad App
Creating a best-in-class app experience for Audi’s popular automotive magazine.
Role: Lead UX Architect, Lead UI Designer
Client: Audi
Agency: Northstar
Awards: Grand Prix Winner at the International Content Marketing Awards

I wanted to create an experience that worked for the shorter sessions, so stripped out the standard page-by-page ordering and instead gave users navigation through a non-linear index page.

Article titles are show by tapping the ‘reveal’ button in the top-right.

Giving the amazing visual content room to breathe, users swipe up to move through the full-screen images.

A caption over each image gives a snapshot into the full, longform article.

Carefully designed transitions and paralax gearing between each elements bring a sense of craft and finesse.

At any point the user can also rotate the iPad into portrait orientation to display the written story, rotating back to return to close.

After the user reads each article, the corresponding thumbnail turns semi-transparent.

Case study:
Download here:
Sam Bathe, Creative Director & Interactive Designer