Agility In Action Campaign
An interactive experience that helps Zendesk customers test their agility nous, and put their learnings into action.
Art Director
Art Director

Good customer service only happens with agility, but knowing how to shift takes the right know-how. We devised a set of interactive challenges to engage customers in the quarterly campaign focused on customer service agility.

Challenges are broken down into three areas, driven by research from the Zendesk content team. Our internal team led the project, with the interactive experience designed and built in collaboration with agency, Phantom.

The first theme focuses on customers, and providing flexible customer experience. The challenge poses a number of questions, with users guessing the answer and then learning an action item to improve their customer service.

The second challenge focuses on internal teams, with a geometric puzzle where users need to guide a light beam through blockers. The third challenges is themed around using modern tools to improve agility.

When users have finished the challenges, they can download an agility playbook to put learnings into action. The campaign was also activated across social, reinterpreting the mechanics from the interactive challenges for each platform.
Creative Director: Larissa Vas
Art Director: Sam Bathe
Brand Copywriter: Genevieve Ng
Senior Brand Producer: Tamara Austring
Senior Brand Designer: Hazel Wong
Sam Bathe, Creative Director & Interactive Designer