15 Years of Zendesk
Celebrating Zendesk’s 15th year of being in business with a campaign to engage internal staff in the heritage and culture of the company.
Role: Creative Director
In-House: Zendesk
Awards: 2x Winner in Website & 1x Shortlist in Branded Content at the Lovie Awards

Wanting to instill a renewed sense of belonging for employees, 15 Years of Zendesk celebrates a major company milestone with a tour through the history books. Heroing Zendesk’s most iconic moments, game-changing launches, stumbles and saves, the campaign immerses internal teams in company heritage and personality.

Moments are visualised like collectible trading cards, each complete with bio, connection to Zendesk’s company values, and a custom illustration, created in collaboration with design collective Nous Vous.

Together the moments form a digital hall of fame, living on the campaign microsite. After an intro to the experience, visitors collect their first booster pack, which contains a unique set of shiny cards to personalise their collection.

Moments are clustered by year, with a timeline dating from current day, right back to the company’s inception. Each year is complemented with an aside about what was happening in the world at the time.

Visitor can also browse the timeline in a single card view, holding spacebar to time travel through the history books.

While 15 Years of Zendesk is primarily focused on internal engagement, the campaign was used as the company holiday card, putting it into the hands of prospects, partners and customers to help build affinity with the brand. An about page gives them deeper dive into what makes Zendesk special.

To activate internally, we held a bracket vote for Zendeskians to vote for their favourite hall of fame moment, drawing almost 2,000 votes from staff. We replicated the bracket on social, with followers voting on Instagram Stories to choose their winner.

Company holiday celebrations also centred around the 15 Years of Zendesk campaign, with team creating an enablement kit for team activities, including a hall fo fame quiz for both in person and remote celebrations.

Collect ‘em all at:
Creative Director: Sam Bathe
Producer: Kevin Tsukii
Art Direction: Kimberly Mar, Reece Wykes
Copywriting: Corey Gedrose, Kendrick Hammond, Julia Oller & Kate Crane
Production Design: Paige Carrington
Illustration: Reece Wykes, Kimberly Mar, Nous Vous
Additional illustrations: Freya Dobrindt, DeAnna Akpobiyeri, Gemma Purkiss
Events enablement: Freya Dobrindt, Gemma Purkiss, Julia Manzischke
Website Design & Build: Phantom
Sam Bathe, Creative Director & Interactive Designer